Thursday 29 December 2016

My Top 10 Games of 2016!

I've been half writing stuff for the past 4 months… and I've left them all half-finished. I want to start writing every so often about video games so this will hopefully be my first finished piece.

I've played almost every major release this year, so I feel like I'm in a pretty good position to rank them in some kind of top 10 list. 

I started by just writing down all the games I could remember playing off the top of my head… 

·       Digimon Cyber Sleuth
·       The Division
·       Doom
·       Quantum Break
·       Overwatch
·       Dark souls 3
·       Yo Kai Watch
·       Uncharted 4
·       Mafia 3
·       World of Warcraft Legion (Expansion)
·       Battlefield 1
·       Titanfall 2
·       Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
·       Gears of War 4
·       Final Fantasy 15
·       World of Final Fantasy
·       Pokemon Moon
·       Forza Horizon 3

Then I started deleting all the games that I didn't think were worthy of being in the top 10. 

And here's the 10 games I'm left with:-

·       Digimon Cyber Sleuth
·       Doom
·       Dark Souls 3
·       Uncharted 4
·       Mafia 3
·       World of Warcraft Legion (Expansion)
·       Battlefield 1
·       Gears of War 4
·       Final Fantasy 15
·       World of Final Fantasy

Time to put them in some kind of order right?

10. World of Final Fantasy 

I've kind of surprised myself by putting this on my list, it's mainly here because of the nostalgia it provides. It mixes many places from previous Final Fantasy games with their characters and mashes it all into an old styled final fantasy package. Then someone places some Pokemon magic into the mix.
            The game has you collecting different monsters and building stacks of these monsters. These make up your party during fights. The whole game is super cutesy and on the surface will put many people off. But if you see beyond that you'll find fun and in depth old school jrpg with many complex systems and an interesting story. 

09. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth

Digimon story came out way back in January and what a fantastic way to start the year. It tells a crazy story of hacking and digital worlds crossing real worlds. Admittedly I haven't finished this game yet, and its top of my backlog list to go back and finish it, to see how this story comes to a close.
            Some of the most fun in this game is catching new Digimon and seeing what they evolve into. It takes the basics from Pokemon games in terms of catching monsters and puts it into a dark story. 

08. Mafia 3

Mafia 3 has a whole bunch of problems. It’s a game that's probably 15 hours too long with a load of boring missions that you have to complete to progress the story, and some pretty boring side missions. But if you wade through all that you'll find a deep interesting story that goes places that other video games haven't. It tackles subjects relating to the 60’s and doesn't hold any punches exploring these topics. 

07. Gears of War 4

Gears 4 is a great GOW game. The campaign opens up the start of the next saga in the gears universe with some incredible set pieces. However, the campaign ends at a rather strange moment and it feels like there's an act missing to tie things up. The multiplayer is fun with a great selection of maps. 

06. World of Warcraft Legion (Expansion)

The legion expansion reintroduced me to my addiction. I’d gotten clean way back in 2010, then had a brief relapse back in 2012 before I met my now wife. Obviously dabbling here and there, but nothing like what happened when Legion came out this year.
            Legion has made Warcraft great again. Its breathed fresh life into a 12-year-old game. It gives you the same feeling that Wrath of the Lich King did way back when it came out! Admittedly I’m not playing as much as I was during the first couple of months of the release of Legion, but I’m raiding every week and getting tons of fun out of it.
            If you haven’t played Warcraft for a few years, now is a great time to return to it. 

05. Battlefield 1

The multiplayer in BF1 is my favorite multiplayer game this year, and the campaign has a moment in it which hit me harder than any other first person shooter has before.
            During the opening mission you play as a bunch of different soldiers during the first world war. You have no way of surviving this mission. Basically you’re running into what is a sure death. One of the soldiers you play as is a gunner in a tank, as you’re laying waste to the endless sea of German soldiers running towards their death, you can see a German soldier sat by a wall crying in his hands, while explosions and gun fire is going off all around him. This moment hit me like a ton of bricks, the solider was scared and instead of fighting to try and live, he had just given up. This mission single handily conveyed the horrific reality of war. However, the rest of the campaign failed to deliver impactful moments such as this.
            This game is graphically beautiful and every multiplayer game you play unfolds differently. 

04. Uncharted 4

If you asked me off the cuff what my favorite games were this year, I'd completely forget about uncharted 4. It would only be an hour or so after you'd asked me that I’d remember it and that I bloody loved it.
            It's the best Uncharted game out of the 4. The moment to moment scenes with no gunplay and talking and exploring are my favorite. One of my favorite scenes is when Nathan and his brother are sat in an old bar in a hidden pirate town chatting.
            Uncharted 4 looks incredible and is the smoothest Uncharted experience to date. If I could remember it faster, it would be rated higher on my list. 

03. Doom
Hey there's a new doom coming out this year? Haha yeah that trailer looked alright and they did a decent job with Wolfenstein the other year but I bet that doom games gonna be arse garbage. WRONG!
            What a fucking game. I'm swearing because it's that good! It fast, it's got metal music, awesome weapons, great bosses and tells a pretty decent story for what is a game about exploring mars shooting demons. It's got an alright multiplayer too.
            If you didn't play doom this year, stop what you're doing right now and go and play it. 

02. Dark Souls 3

Dark Souls 3 is what I'm calling my first souls experience. I played dark souls up until the grave yard, got killed by a skeleton and turned it off. I played a decent amount of blood borne and really enjoyed it. But DS3 is the first souls game I played from start to finish and invested a whole bunch of hours into.
            What a game. I laughed, I cried, I threw my controller and I cheered. It's a fantastic fantasy game in a dark world. It reminds me a whole lot of old resident evil games. Survival is a massive part of it. It's most definitely my second favorite game this year. 

01. Final Fantasy XV

Final Fantasy XV hit me in the face like a truck this year. Seeing that trailer back in 2006 and watching it change from Final Fantasy versus XIII into Final Fantasy XV until it's release. I went from varying levels of hype. From being super hyped to not very hyped at all, to being hyped and skeptical. Watching the anime and then watching the film Kingsglaive all added to the experience of it. What a breath of fresh air it was to pick it up and finally play it.
            The combat feels super fresh and fun. Graphically it's outstanding. And the story has some weird and at times confusing Arcs but with worthwhile pay offs at the end. Every minute I'm not playing Final Fantasy XV I'm questioning myself as to why I'm not playing it. If you haven't played a Final Fantasy game before I'd recommend you picking up this one. My game of the year and worth the 10 year wait. I'm 100% hyped for what square brings to the final fantasy franchise in the future with this engine and this game play. 

1. Final Fantasy XV
2. Dark Souls 3
3. Doom
4. Uncharted 4
5. Battlefield 1
6. World of Warcraft legion
7. Gears of War 4
8. Mafia 3
9. Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth 
10. World of Final Fantasy

List of games I never played, never finished, or played for a small amount of time that would/could have been contenders for this list:
Watchdogs 2
Last guardian
Psvr (selection of games)
Tokyo mirrage sessions sharp FE

Dishonered 2